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Czujniki GIOŚ NO2 CO O3 SO2
ul. Sienkiewicza   26.7   0   1.4   0
- - - - PM2.5 PM10 - - - - - - - -
ul. Sienkiewicza   -   26.1
Czujniki o mniejszej dokładności:
Kamieniec   -   -
Józefa Piłsudskiego   8.02   10.48
Tytusa Chałubińskiego   1.46   1.9
Zofii i Witolda Paryskich   9.42   14.32
Kuźnice   0   0.01
Szkoła Podstawowa w Kościelisku   -   -
Wszystkie odczyty podawane są w µg/m3
Partner: airly
Czw. 24.10 11:00
12° / 6° zachmurzenie małe
Pt. 14:00
Sob. 14:00
Nd. 13:00
Pon. 13:00
Wt. 07:00
Zdjęcie promujące Zakopane


List of Galleries

aktualnosc z foto

Galeria Rzeźby Grzegorza Pecucha , ul.Kasprowicza 31A, 34-500 Zakopane. Zwiedzanie po wcześniejszym umówieniu się z Panią Zofią Pecuch pod numerem telefonu 601-407-320 

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20th Century Art Gallery in the Oksza Villa,...

The Oksza's history is related to zakopane style's origins. This was the third project of Stanisław Witkiewicz, zakopane style creator. The blueprint was created for Bronisława and Wincenty Korwin-Kossakowski, as it's documented in their correnspondence with Witkiewicz, in years 1894-1895. The building was raised by local carpenters under the direction of Wojciech Roj and Jan Obrochta in years 1895-1896. Witkiewicz's sketches served as basis for main blueprints. The construction started on spring of 1895 and was finished on june 1896. The furniture was made by Kazimierz Sieczka, assigned by Kossakowski.

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Władysław Hasior Gallery

This is the official gallery of Władysław Hasior. Born in 1928 in Nowy Sącz, Hasior graduated State Highschool of Art Techniques in Zakopane in 1952, where he learned under the prominent teacher and artist, Antoni Kenar. He got diploma in Academy in Fine Arts in Warsaw under prof. Marian Wnuk in 1958. Year later, he worked in Ossip Zadkine's atelier in Paris. At this point he already was associated with State Highschool of Art Techniques in Zakopane, where he worked as a teacher of next generations of students.

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The Włodzimierz and Jerzy Kulczycki Art Gallery

The gallery, a marble building in manorial style, is located near famous "Pod Jedlami" villa and was built in early 1920s by Koziański family. After the World War II the house was bought from heirs by the Council of Ministers. Koziański's villa became a representative object, often visited by prominent politicians of PRL (Polish People's Republic), i.a. by Józef Cyrankiewicz, thus it was known commonly as "Cyrankiewiczówka". In 1981, thanks to the local Solidarność movement, the building was given to the Museum, aiming for Eastern Carpets Gallery, which were earlier donated by Jerzy Kulczycki's widow, Anna Piotrowicz-Kulczycka.

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Antoni Rząsa Gallery

Official gallery of Antoni Rząsa (1919-1980) was built by himself near Bogdańskiego street. The exhibition area is active since 1976. Since 1981 it is led by the artist's son, Marcin Rząsa and Magda Ciszewska-Rząsa. Apart from permanent sculpture exhibition, the gallery is also open for temporal contemporary art display.

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Kenar Gallery

The Zakopane Society of Friends of Antoni Kenar's Works was formed in 1994 to create a museum inside the artist's house. After twenty years of work, struggle and hardships, thanks to support from many people, institutions and personal founds, Zakopane was enriched by the long-awaited KENAR GALLERY. The permanent exhibition is mostly sculptures, ceramics, furniture, drawings, gouches, watercolors, photographies, memorabilia and multimedia presentation. Other than artist's works, the gallery maintains a professional archive of historical photos, publications, correspondence, notes, personal keepsakes and documents – also in digital mediums. Futhermore, the photographic documentation of works that were lost in World War II or stored in other polish museums and private collections is also available.

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Strug Gallery

The STRUG Gallery, presenting works of both pupils and teachers of "Kenar" highschool, was founded in 1994 with sculpturer Stanisław Cukier as its principal. Back then, the school was located in prewar hotel "Marilor" next to Tadeusz Kościuszki street. The gallery opened its activity with National Biennale of Wooden Sculptures. Since 1996 classes are being taken in the renovated building at Kościeliska 35 street. This is also where STRUG Gallery is located, a meeting place for students and teachers of not only polish art highschools, but also abroad. There are also musical instruments exhibitions, accompaning International Festival of Highland Folklore in Zakopane and International Festival of Chamber Music "Muzyka na Szczytach".

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Dom Doktora Contemporary Art Gallery

In year 1993, Magda Kraszewska, Academy of Fine Arts in Cracov graduate, has opened contemporary art gallery in her family house. Located at Przecznica street (former name of Stanisława Witkiewicza street), the villa was built in 1898. It was designed in modest Zakopane style and its blueprint probably was made in Stanisław Witkiewicz's circle. In 1912 the house became doctor Wacław Kraszewski's (1872-1931) property. This physician and social-worker, very noteworthy in Zakopane, was Magda Kraszewska's grandfather. After settling down in Zakopane, he continued his patriotic activity by collaborating with Józef Piłsudski and Wacław Sieroszewski.  

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Orski Gallery

Ryszard Orski’s gallery is located in Zakopane in a specially erected building next to the sculptor's house, at ul. Broniewskiego, about a 15-minute walk from Krupówki, between Antałówka and Kozińiec. The Gallery has been open to visitors since the summer of 2002. The sculptures are displayed in two rooms. They present the entire artistic achievements of the sculptor, giving a picture of the development of his work, and the evolution and improvement of the workshop. Contact:  ul. Władysława Broniewskiego 4  34-500 Zakopane  tel. +48 (18) 20 17 171  ryszard@orski.net www.orskigallery.com The Gallery is open every day from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm  or by appointment.    

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Owca Cała Gallery

A small and unique art space in the very heart of Zakopane, right in front of Municipal Art Gallery. The building itself has a long history, changing its function and purpose. It was a flat, photo workshop, carpentry, pit stop and still it goes through transformation. Currently its an art gallery of Leszek Nagrabecki and Velt company. Not so long ago it also became an atelier of Zakopane sculptor, Maria Cukier.

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