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Czujniki GIOŚ NO2 CO O3 SO2
ul. Sienkiewicza   23.4   0   5.2   0
- - - - PM2.5 PM10 - - - - - - - -
ul. Sienkiewicza   -   44.4
Czujniki o mniejszej dokładności:
Kamieniec   -   -
Józefa Piłsudskiego   15.6   20.92
Tytusa Chałubińskiego   5.55   7.35
Zofii i Witolda Paryskich   14.65   20.58
Kuźnice   6.87   8.99
Szkoła Podstawowa w Kościelisku   -   -
Wszystkie odczyty podawane są w µg/m3
Partner: airly
Śr. 23.10 02:00
9° / 6° zachmurzenie małe
Czw. 14:00
Pt. 14:00
Sob. 14:00
Nd. 13:00
Zdjęcie promujące Zakopane

Mountain ropeways

Mountain ropeways

Kasprowy Wierch cable railway

A cable railway from Kuźnice to the top of Kasprowy Wierch, the whole runs through the area of the Tatra National Park. The railway operator is Polskie Koleje Liniowe S.A. The route to Kasprowy Wierch, though it is 4291,59 meters long, it takes only a dozen minutes or so, thanks to the only high-altitude ropeway in Poland. The wagons carry only 60 people at a time, and the trip by the wagon suspended over the Tatra valleys stays in your memory forever, and it’s full of exciting experiences and amazing views. The journey ends at 1959 meters above sea level in the upper station of the railway, just 26 m below the top of Kasprowy Wierch. The upper cableway station and the Meteorological Observatory are the highest-located buildings in Poland.

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Gubałówka funicular railway

A funicular railway operating all year round from Zakopane to Gubałówka, to the Spisko-Gubałowskie Foothills. The producer of the first wagons was Von Roll Bern from Switzerland, while currently operated Garaventa and Mostostal Czechowice. The railway operator is the Polskie Koleje Liniowe S.A.   Gubałówka is the most famous peak located in the capital of the Polish Tatra Mountains - Zakopane. It takes 3.5 minutes to get to the height of 1122 m above sea level, thanks to the cable-way railway, which transports about 2,000 people within an hour. From the top of Gubałówka, there is a view of the amazing panorama of Zakopane and the Tatra Mountains.

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Butorowy Wierch chairlift

A chairlift which is operated all year round from Kościelisko to the top of Butorowy Wierch in the Gubałówka Range. Its operator is Polskie Koleje Linowe S.A. Butorowy Wierch is a great starting point for hiking and biking tours, which, apart from beautiful views of several mountain ranges, give the opportunity to get acquainted with interesting architecture and original folklore. Access to the lower station of the railway runs along ul. Powstańców Śląskich towards Kościelisko. Butorowy Wierch is the highest elevation of the Gubałówka Range located approx. 2 km from the top of Gubałówka which can be accessed by a chairlift with two seats. The railway ride provides unforgettable views (especially at the exit) to the Western Tatras, Zakopane and Kościelisko.

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Szymoszkowa chairlift

A four-person chairlift with the possibility of transporting bicycles, located in Zakopane on the southern slope of Gubałówka. The lower station is located at Droga Powstańców Śląskich, running from Zakopane to Kościelisko, near the Mercure Kasprowy Zakopane hotel. It is also possible to reach the upper station (which is already in the Kościelisko commune), located on the Gubałówka ridge. Its undeniable advantage is the beautiful views of the Tatra Mountains. The operator of the station is Dorado Sp. z o.o.

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Harenda chairlift

This chairlift for four people with the possibility of free bicycle transport is located in Zakopane on the southern slopes of Rafaczańska Grapa, which is one of the ridge of the Gubałów Foothills. The Leitner railway has a length of 600 m, the difference in elevation is 210 m, and its capacity is 2,400 people per hour, entry time is 3.43 minutes, number of couches - 73. The resort has a bicycle rental and bicycle and downhill routes. The operator of the station is the company Harenda-Wyciągi Sp. z o.o.

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Wielka Krokiew chairlift

The all-year two-part chairlift with two-seat chairs is located in Zakopane, within the Wielka Krokiew ski-jump named after Stanisław Marusarz. The current railway was built by LST Loipolder Lenggries from Germany, it has a length of 356,8 m, the difference in elevation is 133 m, and its capacity is 608 people per hour, the number of chairs is 50. Wielka Krokiew is waiting not only for ski jumpers, but also for tourists. Amateurs of exciting experiences can look at the famous Zakopane ski jumping hill from the perspective of the greatest ski masters, and enjoy the views by the way. A trip by chairlift to the very top of Wielka Krokiew and a glimpse of the run-up will let you imagine what the jumpers on the starting bar feel before jumping during the World Cup competitions. At the upper lift station there is a cafe which offerins hot and cold drinks and home-made cakes. The railway operator is the Central Sports Center.

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