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Czujniki GIOŚ NO2 CO O3 SO2
ul. Sienkiewicza   26.7   0   1.4   0
- - - - PM2.5 PM10 - - - - - - - -
ul. Sienkiewicza   -   26.1
Czujniki o mniejszej dokładności:
Kamieniec   -   -
Józefa Piłsudskiego   8.02   10.48
Tytusa Chałubińskiego   1.46   1.9
Zofii i Witolda Paryskich   9.42   14.32
Kuźnice   0   0.01
Szkoła Podstawowa w Kościelisku   -   -
Wszystkie odczyty podawane są w µg/m3
Partner: airly
Czw. 24.10 11:00
12° / 6° zachmurzenie małe
Pt. 14:00
Sob. 14:00
Nd. 13:00
Pon. 13:00
Wt. 07:00
Zdjęcie promujące Zakopane


List of Theaters

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz Theatre

The Witkacy Theater, named after Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, came into being on February 24, 1985. It was founded by students and graduates of the acting and drama department of the State Theatre College in Krakow. They were united in their pursuit of artistic independence and willingness to search for new ideas and creative outlets and supported by disagreement on the paralysis of the cultural institutions of the day. Their choice of patron was not accidental - a man connected with Zakopane, who understood theatre as a special art. Though conceived non-stereotypically, it was Witkacy’s theory of Pure Form that had enormous influence on the atmosphere of the theatre, which hosts a variety of recitals and concerts, as well as the Theatre Gallery. It is a professional and artistic theatre. One of the Theatre’s goals is to discover and honour the valuable cultural heritage of Zakopane. The very location of the Theatre - the former Hydrotherapy Institute of Dr. Andrzej Chramec - was in its pre-war heyday a meeting place for the intellectual and artistic elite. The Witkacy Theatre want to bear witness to the truth of its time, to be an artistic, metaphysical theatre close to every human. It still wants to surprise its audience, to entertain, laugh, and provoke reflection. Contact ul. Chramcówki 15 34-500 Zakopane   tel. +48 18 20 00 660 Fax +48 18 20 682 97 teatr@witkacy.pl www.witkacy.pl General and Artistic Director Andrzej St. Dziuk Theatre box office Witkacy Stage  ul. Chramcówki 15 Tuesday - Saturday 10.00-14.00  tel. +48 600 001 514

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Entertainment Theater RZT Szymaszkowa

This unusual place is created from passion to art. Theater name's initials are derived from creator's surnames: Rzankowski – Zbyryt and its location, Szymoszkowa Glade with beautiful view on Giewont's peak. Theatre's motto goes by this: Surrender yourself to art... we, torn like the halny wind, created for you one and only, unusual and bizzare, Entertainment Theater RZT Szymaszkowa.

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